Presently, I’m the senior research manager at — an educational organization focused on providing independent, unbiased analyses of dietary supplements and nutrition research.

At Examine, I manage, research, write, and update the Supplement Guides, maintain the company’s database of supplement studies, assist with product development and launches, improve research workflow across departments, and blog about various health topics.

I received a BSc in exercise science with a minor in nutrition from George Mason University (where I mentored under GMU’s resident sports dietitian, Deanna Busteed, MS, RD, CSSD at GMU's Center for Sports Performance), then an MSc in human nutrition from McGill University. My master’s thesis examined how modifiable lifestyle factors can potentially predict vitamin D status.

My work background is a bit unorthodox. After establishing a career in information technology, I decided to pivot and pursued a new path in exercise and nutritional science. This mix of expertise enables my passion for employing creative technology solutions to connect people to quality health information. An ongoing personal project I’ve developed to further this goal is — an evidence-based nutrition search engine. Check it out!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line

To check out my work, head on over to the portfolio site.